Privacy Policy

Customers details

The company obligates to keep in secrecy the details of its registered clients.
The company hereby declares that it would not transmit; expose or make any other use of the information other than such use necessary in order to communicate with the customer regarding operating the company’s products and services.

The customer holds the right to remove him or her self from the mailing list in order to discontinue receiving updates and may do so by clicking the “unsubscribe” option on each mail they receive.

System recipients

The company obligates to keep in secrecy the details of recipients who join different lists on its client’s accounts weather they were entered externally; manually or in any other method.

The company hereby declares that it would not use; send; transfer or sell the recipients lists to any third party and that it would make any necessary efforts to secure the information.


The copyrights for any content fed by customers to the system;   including text and pictures; will remain spiritual property of the submitting customer

The customer obligates to not breach any spiritual property rights including any copyrights.